GSB 7.1 Standardlösung

SIP concretization WG

Objectives and tasks:

Every kind of digital archiving starts with the question of how the data is given to the archiving insitutions (archives, libraries, universities, etc.). The further processing of the data would be greatly facilitated if it could happen in a predictable and somehow standardized form. The working group will investigate the question of concretizing SIPs (transfer packages) in order to simplify the archiving process.

At the kick-off meeting, the following goals were defined, which will be detailed in follow-up sessions:

  • Definition of the structure of a SIP (structure, content, specific metadata etc.), possibly also as a checklist
  • Guidelines on how to generate a SIP and how to implement it in the ingest process
  • Common vocabulary and recommendations
  •  Recommendations for SIP generating tools with regard to gerenal reuse


Tobias Steinke, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek